Sunday, October 2, 2011

Kyle has a job!

Wow, it has been quite a month.  This month, Kyle got a job!  After applying for hundreds of jobs around the Sacramento area, he finally has a job.  Praise God!  It is really an amazing story of God's faithfulness!

Kyle saw this job opening online and emailed in his resume, which was the directions of how to apply for it.  After a few days of not hearing anything, he called (which he had done on many many other jobs previously).  When he called, he found out that they had not even received his resume... but they asked him to come for an interview anyways!  So, a few days later he went for the interview and they offered him the job on the spot.  God clearly orchestrated this great opportunity just when we were getting discouraged.  It was such a relief for him to have a job.

His job has been a little stressful for him.  He is working at a skilled nursing facility in Placerville (about 45 minutes away).  He has a lot of responsibility at his job, since he is the only RN on staff over night.  However, he is doing great and his supervisors love him (of course!).  Kyle has been working non stop since he got the job.  Just today he worked a double shift and he has to go back and work over night!

Now that Kyle has a job, we are excited to plan a visit back to North Dakota.  We both miss his family so much!  Kyle isn't sure when he can miss work, but hopefully that can all be worked out soon!  Its funny how when you have the time you don't have the money, but when you have the money you don't have the time. 

I am still enjoying coaching volleyball.  My team is so much fun and I love being back at my high school, although it is a little weird seeing all my old teachers! I have changed so much since I was in high school!  Since I am only coaching, I have time for other things.  I am finishing up my last semester of college.  In December I will graduate with my BS in General Studies and Biblical Studies.  I am so excited to be finished... this has taken me a long time! 

This weekend I am up in Eureka, CA with my parents, sister, and niece.  My parents recently reacquired my grandma's house up here.  Asheena and I have such great memories at her house and really wanted to come up to see it and take Madison there.  There were a few tears visiting it, but it was really great.  This weekend I am so amazed at how much life can change in a few months, and even more in a few years.  Five years ago this month, my grandma moved in with us.  These last five years have been the most difficult, trying and sad years of my life, but also at the same time, by far the BEST years of my life.  It is a testament to God's amazing plan and faithfulness! 

"All things work out for good for those who love the Lord."